Edmonton Faith Nation is honored to host Jerry Savelle Discipleship Training Program (aka Bible School) starting November 6, 2024 again. This is the third time we hold it in our church. This Discipleship training will take place in a classroom setting using Jerry Savelle Correspondence Bible School curriculum, containing 10 courses (outlines, review questions, handouts, Open Book Tests, and Final Exams) and the AUDIO lessons.  
This is a one-year Bible school curriculum (10 courses) that will be completed within 1 year by presenting about 3 hours of teaching 1 time a week on Wednesday.
There will be a formal graduation upon the completion of the one-year Bible School   curriculum with a representative from JSMI present. JSMI Canada will issue the transcripts and the Certificates of Completion to those students who complete the entire year (all 10 courses).
If a student completes all 10 courses with passing grades, then they are eligible to enroll in the Canadian Bible School for Level Two: School of Ministry.  Edmonton Faith Nation may or may not hold Level Two curriculum in the future, but individuals who have completed Level One can apply to JSMI and take Level Two on their own at their discretion.  
Cost of the one-year Bible school is $300/student. This includes eBooks, outlines, handouts, and other necessary printed material plus the rental of a graduation gown for the official Graduation ceremony at the end of the Bible school.  
Payment options:
Pay the full amount of $300 at the registration.
Pay $150 at the registration and $150 by December 15, 2024.  
Registration deadline: Sunday, October 6, 2024. No registrations will be accepted after.  
Bible School will be held every Wednesday, starting Nov 6, 2024. Classes will run from 7 pm to 9:30 - 10 pm. It is expected that this Bible school will be completed in 15 months, in February 2026. Graduation date will be decided upon and announced later.
Developing Passion for God
New Creation Realities
Wells of Faith
Principles of Prayer
Principles of Living by Faith
Character of God
Fruits of the Spirit
Power of The Blood
How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit
Biblical Prosperity
Each course is broken down into several lessons. Every Wednesday we will cover 2-3 lessons and every lesson has a comprehension test during audio teaching. At the completion of each course there is a final exam.    
Each course also has 1-2 books for supplemental reading and a book test to go with one of the books. All books are in eBook format. Each student will receive a USB stick with all books, and they can be downloaded on devices using most of eReader Apps, such as Kindle, for example.  
There will be no refund on registration fee if a student drops out. Once the class has begun, no  more students can be added to the class.
Every test and exam will be marked and graded. A student’s average grade for graduation will be calculated at the end of the Bible School.  
If case of a missed class, a student will be able to do a catch-up lesson (-s) ONLY at the church during its office hours. This will have to be communicated and arranged with the Bible School Administrator or Church Office staff, who will be introduced to the students at the very first Bible School class. In case a student has unfinished lessons or incomplete tests/exams by the time of the Graduation, they will not be able to graduate with rest of their class.